Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon Monoxide detectors are just as important as smoke detectors in the home. Read the following information below to find out more about carbon monoxide and carbon monoxide detectors.

  • Carbon monoxide is a colorless, tasteless, and odorless gas that can be emitted by home appliances, heaters, and other devices.
  • Some common home devices that can emit carbon monoxide are: fuel fired furnaces, gas water heaters, fireplaces and wood stoves, gas dryers, charcoal grills, lawnmowers, automobiles, etc.
  • Carbon monoxide can cause serious illness and death.
  • The Consumer Product Safety Commission reports approximately 200 people per year are killed by accidental Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Approximately 5,000 people are injured each year. These are typically caused by faulty equipment.
  • Carbon monoxide inhibits the blood's ability to carry oxygen to body tissues including vital organs such as the heart and brain.
  • Symptoms can include in varying degrees depending on the concentration of the CO gas: headaches, nausea, unconsciousness, fatigue, dizziness, convulsions, death.
  • With a properly installed carbon monoxide detector, you would have enough warning before symptoms would occur.
  • Proper placement of a carbon monoxide detector is very important. They need to be located near sleeping areas and in every level of the home. It is also important not to install the detectors directly above or near fuel-burning appliances. Follow manufacturers instructions for placement and installation of the detector.
  • If your detector alarms, immediately call 911 to alert the fire department and go outside to fresh air or to a friend or neighbor’s house.  If you remain in the house, open all doors and windows and turn off all appliances, heat and other sources of combustion.  Do not re-enter or use appliances until the fire department and qualified technicians have corrected the source of carbon monoxide.